Good people sometimes make bad decisions or find themselves in the middle of a DUI investigation. Perhaps they didn’t realize they had a higher blood alcohol content (BAC) than the legal limit, or they did not have another ride and no public transportation in the area. Perhaps someone put something in their drink, or any other number of other reasons that them behind the wheel.
If you are wondering how a charge of DUI will affect your life, call The Law Office of Eric J. Evilsizer. We don’t just try to resolve your case, we strive and work for a dismissal so that you can go on without the black mark of a DUI on your record. We’re here to help you through this difficult and sometimes scary time and answer your questions so you are informed and involved in your defense.

Drug Offenses

Florida has some of the harshest drug laws in the United States. Many drug crimes are felony-level, which means that if convicted you could be facing prison time. Many drug crimes like drug trafficking and manufacturing have incredibly serious consequences that could land you a lifetime in incarceration. Many of these crimes come with mandatory prison sentences. Hiring an experienced, aggressive, drug crime lawyer with a consistent winning record can ensure your rights and future are protected.


Murder is a capital crime in Florida. In fact, Florida was the first state to bring back the death penalty after the Supreme Court decision in 1972. If you are facing homicide charges, your life is literally on the line. It is important to make sure that your criminal defense lawyers leave no stone unturned, no piece of evidence overlooked, and no detail missed.

Sexual Crimes

Few criminal convictions have worse aftermath than one for a sexually related offense. They tend to carry heavy penalties, including lengthy prison sentences. However, being released from prison is not the end. Florida law also requires people convicted of certain sex offenses to register. That information becomes publicly available to potential employers, neighbors, friends, romantic interests, and anyone else in Florida with internet access.
Sex crime charges are often based on false accusations, exaggerated claims, and misunderstandings. An experience sex crime attorney can challenge weaknesses in the case against you and seek the best possible result.


Often the words “assault” and “battery” are used interchangeably. However, in Florida the two are separate crimes. Assault is defined as “an intentional, unlawful threat by word or act to do violence to the person of another, coupled with an apparent ability to do so, and doing some act which creates a well-founded fear in such other person that such violence is imminent.”
Battery is defined is when a person “Actually and intentionally touches or strikes another person against the will of the other; or Intentionally causes bodily harm to another person.” Both crimes carry with them possible jail sentences and can label a person as a violent offender. Having the right attorney in these matters can play a key role on how your case is resolved.

Domestic Violence

Violence between two people who have shared a life together is always a difficult time. Many times, drug or alcohol abuse will also come into play. When law enforcement is called, they will handle an investigation to make an arrest regardless of what the victim or 911 caller wishes to happen.
While investigating, law enforcement will also be concerned with any further acts of violence when they leave. For this reason, when law enforcement is contacted an arrest is usually made. If you or someone you love have been arrested or accused of domestic violence, we are here to help you get back to the life you once enjoyed.


In the state of Florida, stealing anything can be charged as a crime. Cases have even involved a single pack of gum that was stolen and the person was arrested. The act of stealing is taken very seriously by the Florida criminal justice system. Having an experienced criminal defense lawyer on your side is the first step in trying to obtain a favorable resolution to your case.
A person who is caught stealing can be charged with one of several different theft crimes. Petit theft, grand theft, robbery, and burglary are the most common charges that a person caught stealing faces. These charges range from second-degree misdemeanors all the way up to first degree felonies. If you are charged with one of these crimes, it is important to understand the differences between them and the consequences of each one.


White Collar Crimes apply to a number of offenses that involve obtaining money, property or some other benefit using deception or trickery. They cover offenses ranging from fraud to embezzlement to money laundering to forgery to identity theft.
With the growing popularity of both the internet and transactions using a credit card and debit card, cybercrimes have become more prevalent. Law enforcement, both state and federal in Florida, has been focused on targeting offenders, and repercussions for any kind of conviction are harsh. Often, economic crime cases are complicated. Building a defense requires attention to detail and creativity. The right attorney could make all the difference in your defense.

Insurance Fraud

Insurance fraud comes in many forms. A group of people stage a car accident so that a car stuffed with claimants may sue on a huge liability policy just purchased. A worker fakes an injury so that he may claim on his employer’s workman’s compensation policy. A homeowner burns down his house to recover the property insurance.
These are serious offenses with heavy fines, lengthy prison terms and restitution as penalties. If you have been charged, your freedom and reputation are at risk. You can greatly improve the changes for dismissal of charges by contacting an attorney skilled at insurance fraud defense.

Medical/Prescription Fraud

With illegal drug use on the rise, crimes involving fraudulent prescriptions and “doctor shopping” are also rising. Some penalties for prescription fraud are fines, probation, jail or prison time, community service, drug counseling, and having a criminal record. Licensed pharmacists and doctors may also lose their licenses. If you have been charged with prescription fraud or feel an arrest is imminent you need to seek the counsel of an experienced drug crimes attorney.